Guidelines for Reviewers

Peer review is defined as the process of obtaining opinions on individual manuscripts from subject matter experts who are not part of the journal's editorial staff.

DERROTERO, as a refereed publication, subjects all its articles to a rigorous evaluation process to ensure the quality and scientific rigor of the submitted manuscripts. It employs the double-blind methodology, ensuring transparency in the evaluation of scientific articles.

The journal editor will select and classify the articles that comply with the authors' guidelines and assign evaluators or reviewers according to their expertise and research lines.

Initially, two reviewers are assigned to each manuscript under the double-blind method, meaning that neither the authors nor the reviewers know each other's identities.

The evaluation criteria include: originality, scientific relevance, theoretical pertinence (current and high-quality references), methodology, results, conclusions, discussions, and formal aspects such as scientific language, updated concepts, correctly cited references, and the proper use of figures and tables.

Evaluations will be based on the elements in the reviewers' evaluation format and can result in one of the following decisions:

  • Accepted in its original form: the article meets all form, content, and quality criteria and can be published as is.
  • Accepted with minor revisions: minor adjustments are required that are easily addressable. The author will have 8 days to make the modifications.
  • Major revisions recommended: the article requires significant changes, necessitating a new review to evaluate the modifications. The author will have 20 days to make the changes.
  • Not recommended for publication: the manuscript does not meet the necessary standards and will not be published.

In all cases, the author will be notified of the reviewers' decision. The acceptance of the article will depend on the author considering and responding to the suggested changes or modifications. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to make the necessary formal modifications to adapt the text to the publication's standards, without altering the content, which remains the sole responsibility of the authors.

The Editorial Committee will make the final decision on the acceptance and subsequent publication of the received articles.

Upon completing the evaluation, a certificate will be automatically generated from the OJS for the reviewers as proof of their evaluation.